
Bayer Kiltix Tick Collar – Pet Home | The Perfect Pet Supplies Shopping Experience

Original price was: $16.22.Current price is: $10.51.

Bayer Kiltix Tick CollarProduct DescriptionKiltix is the fastest acting tick collar in Australia, working twice as quick…



Bayer Kiltix Tick Collar

Product Description

Kiltix is the fastest acting tick collar in Australia, working twice as quickly as any other collar.

Designed to fit dogs of all sizes, the collar protects against deadly Paralysis ticks for 6 weeks.

Kiltix also kills and repels brown dog and bush ticks.

Ticks are attracted to the head, neck and forelimbs. The Kiltix collar releases a fine powder that repels ticks before they have the chance to bite.

Kiltix is safe for puppies over 12 weeks of age and can be used in conjunction with other heartworm prevention and flea or tick treatments such as Advocate, Advantage or Advantix for dogs. It provides your dog with fast, cost-effective control in tick-prone areas.

Active Constituents:

22.5g/kg Flumethrin,100g/kg Propoxur (An anticholinesterase compound)

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